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Technopreneur Promotion Programme (TePP) : TePP Innovator: Mr. Unus Shaikh

Project: "Mini Plant palleting of poultry feeds": Fund Support from TIFAC, New Delhi

:Monitoring Committee: 
Hon. Dr. T. K. Kundra, I. I. T. New Delhi                            Hon. Dr. Debabrath Majumder, TIFAC
Hon. Dr. S. V. Modak, I. I. T., New Delhi.                   Prof. Dipak Tatpuje, VidyaDeep Foundation

The activities under TePP includes providing financial support to selected & screened Individual innovators having original ideas for converting them into working models, prototypes etc. The assistance under TePP includes to undertake the activities like,
R&D / engineering consultancy,
Small equipment, tools etc.
Raw Material / Accessories (for prototype/process trials),
Fabrication cost (for prototypes)
Patent guidance and support
Testing & Trials
Any other relevant costs